900 - 1000 |
Arrival, Registration
1010 - 1050
The State of the Analytics Nation
Doug Hall (ConversionWorks, London - UK)
As an industry your progress this year will be brutally assessed so it's time for your annual forelook. This is an evaluation of what our industry does well, what we need to start doing, start doing better and what we need to stop doing.
1050 - 1150
Stories from ten years in the trenches of Google Analytics
Caleb Whitmore (Analytics Pros, Seattle - USA)
t's been nearly ten years since Google acquired Urchin Software and turned it into Google Analytics, unleashing the era of democratized data. Take a walk down memory lane from those early days through present and learn from the triumphs and trials of tens of thousands of hours working with hundreds of companies and billions of data points. Tips, tricks, techniques and more. The tool has evolved but the objective remains the same: to understand and optimize marketing, user experience and business value.
1150 - 1230
Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Reports - A Practical Guide
Yehoshua Coren (Analytics Ninja, Jerusalem - Israel)
This hands on session will walk you through the details of the Enhanced Ecommerce data model, provide guidance for how to implement the tracking, and walk users through how to use the new reports to gain actionable insights to improve ecommerce performance.
1230 - 1310
Decision Making at Scale: Blending AB Testing, Predictive Analytics, and Behavioral Targeting
Matt Gershoff (Conductrics, New York - USA)
In all the excitement around Big Data and Analytics, even savvy users of business intelligence can get a bit confused about how and when to use A/B Testing, Predictive Analytics, and Personalization
to optimize. But optimizing isn’t about choosing which tool to use: Optimizing is about making decisions. The digital environment gives us an opportunity to make these marketing decisions at scale. In this session we’ll discuss how to bring these tools together to make better decisions, we’ll also touch on how machine learning can help us automate the process to free up analytics teams to focus on the higher value problems.
1300 - 1430 |
1440 - 1520
Google Analytics bag O' tricks
Simo Ahava (NetBooster, Helsinki - Finland)
Are you using some event tracking to learn more about your visitors? Good. How about using Enhanced Ecommerce and the
Page Visibility API to analyze content engagement? No? Simo will walk you through these advanced use cases, and provide you with a number of tools and resources you can use to think outside the box when using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Inspiration is guaranteed.
1520 - 1600
Conversion Rate is Dead
Ravi Pathak (Tatvic, Ahmedabad - India)
Conversion rate is significantly over hyped metric that so many ecommerce experts just focus because there is so much news, media, articles, tools, experts around it. If you think the current situation as one of the wave in revenue optimization, there are important waves starting in e- commerce optimization that easily get unnoticed. Ravi will discuss Roshoman effect in current ecommerce industry and show us why he believes conversion rate is overhyped metric. Further Ravi will also explain what are the waves of ecommerce optimization & how they currently shape the future opportunities.
1600 - 1630 |
Coffee break
(coffee, fruit, sandwich, refreshments)
1640 - 1720 |
Ari Strauch (Five Blocks - Israel)
Samia Abara (AT Internet - Paris)
Caleb Whitmore (Analytics Pros, Seattle - USA)
Jeff Sauer (Knowledge Land - San Francisco, USA)
1640 - 1720
Phil Pearce (Precision SEM, London - UK)
Testing the boundaries of what can be tracked & what gets noticed.
1730 - 1830
Yehoshua Coren (AnalyticsNinja - Israel)
Simo Ahava (Production Director, NetBooster Finland - Finland)
Charles Farina (Analytics Pros, Seattle - USA)
Phil Pearce (Precision SEM - UK)
1900 - 2100 |
2100 - |
Open air fire made of giant logs, mulled wine, night time swimming pool
800 - 900 |
Arrival, Registration
900 - 1000
Ask Us Anything
With Google's Gary Illyes
Ask anything from two Google employees who are working in one of the fastest changing product areas at Google: Search!
1730 - 1830
Breaking The Barriers To The Use Of Digital Analytics
Peter O'Neill (Founder, L3 Analytics - London)
Identifying the most common issues that prevent organisations from using analytics to improve their business performance. Peter will describe these (see how many you recognise) before going through options for overcoming or bypassing these barriers.
1040 - 1140
Craig Sullivan (Optimiser of Everything, Optimal Visit, London)
Brian Egerup Kjaerulf (Mobtimizers - Denmark)
Peter O'Neill (Founder, L3 Analytics - London)
Doug Hall (Director of Analytics, ConversionWorks - London)
1140 - 1220
You never had a plan
Jeff Sauer (Knowledge Land, San Francisco - USA)
Cure for analytics insanity: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That’s what web analytics have been doing for years as data collection becomes easier and quality solutions become less expensive. Instead of focusing on your business strategy and fitting the tool to our needs, we have done the opposite; developing strategies based on what is easy to measure in our tools of choice. This session will teach us how to cure that analytics insanity by taking a strategy first approach to analytics.
1220 - 1250
Campaign Tracking: Doing It Right
Steen Rasmussen (IIH Nordic, Copenhagen - Denmark)
One of the main sources of bad data in Google Analytics is incomplete or outright wrong setup of campaign tracking.
Inconsistent channels, mislabeled campaigns and faulty attribution often poison the quality of data, making it unreliable or completely wrong.
1240 - 1400 |
1400 - 1440
Ravi Pathak (Tatvic, India),
Matt Gershoff (CEO, Conductrics, New York),
Kristoffer Ewald (Executive Digital Strategist, Netbooster - Paris),
Karandeep Singh (Head of Analytics, Digital Annexe - London)
1440 - 1520
The Art of Optimizing and Measuring in the App Business
Brian Egerup Kjaerulff (Mobtimizers, Copenhagen - Denmark)
The App sphere is maturing and apps have become a key point touch point for many companies. To succeed in the app landscape, you have to launch and nurture your app with an insightful and well structured strategy. In this presentation, you will get the latest insight on how to measure and optimize app visibility and engagement.
1520 - 1600
Ari Strauch (Five Blocks - Israe)
How do you stand out when the pressure is there to quickly succeed? Will analytics truly help? In this session you will be taken through the process of creating your online business while effectively and efficiently getting it to the people who care.
1600 - 1630
Kristoffer Ewald (NetBooster, Paris - France)
The next few years in Digital look extremely disruptive, with the promise of customer centric marketing finally being delivered...
In this talk I'll review the challenges and give examples of how open architectures build from open architecture tools can drive amazing change and results with unprecedented cost and effort.
1630 - 1700 |
Coffee break
(coffee, fruit, sandwich, refreshments)
1710 - 1850 |
Demonstrate any Digital Analytics solutions or method of your own that is way beyond the defaults. Who decides who’s gonna win? The audience.
1900 - 2100 |
2100 - |
Open air fire made of giant logs, mulled wine, night time swimming pool
800 - 900 |
Arrival, Registration
920 - 1000
Craig Sullivan (Optimal Visit, London)
There are many illusory ways of running tests, where you can call a winner and make the wrong business decision or waste
valuable time. There are the lies you can tell yourself that will prevent the team from designing good tests or learning from them. And lastly, there are the Myths of Testing - things that you might think are true but turn out from real life experience to be a sleight of hand. Expect to learn some cold hard truths about testing.
1000 - 1040
Tim Leighton-Boyce (CxFocus, UK)
We’ve come a long way from counting pageviews and cookies. We can now instrument our sites (or our apps and whatever else) in ever more complex ways, and if we push the limits of the technology we can even try to track people across different devices. But the technological challenges are difficult and the end results still fit into the original model of measurements based around where people came from, what material they viewed and whether they ‘converted’. We focus on technology when we’re trying to understand human behaviour. This presentation is about pulling together all the clues we can get about the experience of the people who make up the ‘traffic’ on our sites. If we can understand what they want to do, why they want to do it and how this is relevant to a journey towards our final conversion, then we can help optimise the process. This is not about people how people get to our sites, this is about why they came and what they do.
1040 - 1120 |
Coffee break
(coffee, fruit, sandwich, refreshments)
1120 - 1140
Gary Illyes (Google, Zurich - Switzerland)
Mobile is still growing very fast and some webmasters are ignoring this, but at Google we are focusing more and more on mobile because we think it's one of the most important topics at the moment. With this presentation we introduced at SMX East new concepts to mobile optimization, such as mobile-readiness and host load, concepts that make mobile optimization techniques more transparent. We're going to disambiguate these terms and cover a few more to help you create for your users a great mobile experience!
1120 - 1140
Steen Rasmussen (IIH Nordic, Copenhagen - Denmark)
Analytics dashboards are the new craze with fancy interactive visuals and an inferno of data. But they often lack the most fundamental, crucial and simple element. They are not actionable. Enjoy a walkthrough some very delightful and beautifully worthless dashboards as well as some ugly efficient wonders of insights - and learn how to tell the difference.
1220 - 1250
Jacob Kildebogaard Webjuice, Copenhagen - Denmark)
How do you use attribution models to evaluate your traffic sources and your marketing strategy? In this session Jacob will look
into a few cases where different models give different results. There will also be focus on AdWords and how to evaluate the performance based on attribution models.
1250 - 1420 |
1420 - 1500
Charles Farina (Analytics Pros, Seattle, USA)
Learn from both big wins and big mistakes of the past year in working on data models to provide user centric and cross- device reports. Maintaining an implementation is hard enough on web or app alone, but the reward of tracking all your users experience is well-worth the significant effort it takes. Cross-Device done right is so much more than just User IDs.
1420 - 1500
Valentin Radu (Marketizator, Romania)
Imagine you've seen the hottest woman in the entire universe. And you've made fantastic efforts and convinced her to give you her phone number. But, how can you score if you don't bother calling her? That's the trap when you try to improve the performance of a website by only observing data, patterns, anomalies, etc. In this session I'll show some real case studies about some websites that scored by mixing qualitative & quantitative data, persuasion and real- time personalization.
1500 - 1540
Gary Illyes (Google, Zurich)
Predicting product's demand based on user's different action & restructure the merchandise & pricing based on it.Measure different action which occurs between users & product (i.e. add to cart,prod view, etc) & build a mapping to identify high value product for large group of user.
1540 - 1630
Phil Pearce (Precision SEM, UK)
Advent of hybrid JS-LD structured markup: Terminator theme. +++ Transition to the training day on Friday.